Saturday, June 2, 2012

Evolution of a Revolution

As I ponder the world, sitting in a hotel room across the road from the Atlanta airport, I write my first blog post. Why am I in a hotel, you might ask? I am currently working on my Ed.S. in Tech in Ed as a part of a cohort that meets two hours from my home. Instead of driving back in forth over the weekend, I simply stay in Atlanta. I say all of this to say, as much as I love technology, it is overwhelming. It makes me consider why many teachers are reluctant to try technology. Just this evening, I learned how to use Twitter effectively using TweetDeck and of course I am creating my blog. Yes, these are old tools. Many teachers want to be innovative, but most do not have the time or the resources to do so. I hope to encourage those on the "fence" to break out of their comfort zone and be innovative. Just use one tip, tool, or otherwise a month and you will begin to see the evolution of a revolution. A great place to get motivated for the next step is to check out Shelly Terrell's blog and start the 30 goal challenge, starting a blog is one goal.

1 comment:

  1. Great new blog, Timmi! I appreciate teachers like you who find ways to work through any obstacles that come along. Including the overfiltering found in so many schools. I believe the if administrators really took the time to learn about twitter, hashtags, blogs, etc., they would wonder why they blocked those amazing resources from their teachers for so long!
