Monday, December 10, 2012

30 Twitter Hashtags for Science Lovers

I teach Science & I think Twitter is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to professional development. is a great link to 30 Twitter Hashtags for every Science teacher and student. I was like most and reluctant to give Twitter a try. Then, a professor of mine introduced us to Tweetdeck. I love it because it organizes my Tweets and I can get multiple resources at a glance. I usually take a peek the last five minutes of my planning period and that is enough to overwhelm me with good resources and reading material. So, take my advice and try twitter. Use hashtags to organize your good stuff, using the link above if you are a science nerd like me!

Wanting to Flip but Lack the Time?

In a recent assignment, I asked my students to find a tutorial on electron configurations in Chemistry. One of my students found Brightstorm. This is an awesome website for those considering the flip but not sure where to find the time to create tutorials or for those who want another avenue in addition to the tutorials they create. The site is divided into Math, Science, English, and Test Prep resources. When you click on each of these links, it is broken down by specific subject. You can also search by textbook, which I found to be really cool. I am not a textbook teacher, but I like how you can search by section/topic in a text. In addition, you can search just by topic then it will link it to textbooks. The end result is a high quality short tutorial on that topic. The tutorials are done by individuals with a Master's or higher. Here is a link to one on the Characteristics of Life so that you can see an example.

Even if you are not interested in flipping your classroom, this might be a good resource for when you are out sick, if you are teaching something for the first time and need to brush up, or if your students just need to hear a topic taught one more time for it to sink in.